Editorial Titanium | manuscripts, contact and books

Information from Titanium Editorial

  • Genders:science fiction black novel
  • Type:• Type: traditional editorial
  • Site:• Site:
  • Location: Spain
  • • Submission of manuscripts
  • • Literary contests

Contact information and details of Editorial Titanium

Information about Titanium Editorial Titanium Editorial (not to be confused with Editorial Titania) is a fantasy/science fiction and horror/black novel publisher that bets on both established and new authors. Sending manuscripts Editorial Titanium Ed Titanium accepts manuscripts by email. The works must be unpublished, have been written by Spanish authors of legal age, and fit into the publisher's catalog (fancy, Science fiction, horror/black novel). The complete manuscript must be attached in Word format and a synopsis and a sheet with contact information must also be attached.. It's optional (but always recommended) a cover letter or literary curriculum. You can send your work to manuscripts@editorialtitanium.com And if you want to contact the publisher for any other reason, this other email is the right one: info@editorialtitanium.com Algunas personas buscas Editorial Titanium opiniones para saber la experiencia de otros autores a la hora de publicar con Ediciones Titanium. The publisher states on its website that it is a traditional publisher, which implies that it does not ask its authors for money to publish a book nor do they have to commit to selling a certain number of copies. further, informan de que el porcentaje que se llevan sus autores en concepto de royalties es del 15%, which is above the usual, pues para libros físicos suele ser un 10% en muchas editoriales. Nevertheless, and if you have come here looking for opinions of Titanium Editorial, You should know that it is not usual for a publisher to insist so much on its website that it is a traditional publisher and it is something that should put you on notice. (send them your editorial proposal, but carefully review the contract they send you in case they agree to publish your work). On the company's website they state that "our model has changed over the years". They do not specify more about what this means, although some forums mention that in the past the publisher offered some co-publishing contracts, por lo que quizá el cambio sea que ahora sí son una editorial 100% tradicional. Some people also mention that the publisher's books were only available on demand, although now on their website it appears that they do have a distributor. In any case, if you dare to send them your manuscript and they agree to publish your work, review the contract well and keep in mind that traditional publishers do not ask for money for any service or force you to sell a certain number of books. Official Titanium editorial website Literary contests organized by Titanium editorial: They do not appear.

And if you want to contact the publisher for any other reason, this other email is the right one: info@editorialtitanium.com