Viewer Publisher Information
- Genders:poetry
- Type:• Type: traditional editorial
- Site:• Site: Isaac Peral Street, 18 28015 Madrid (SPAIN)
- Location:madrid Spain
- • Submission of manuscripts
- • Literary contests
Contact information and details of Editorial Visor
Información sobre la editorial Visor Editorial Visor Libros es una editorial de poesía con sede en Madrid que lleva editando libros de poesía desde 1968 y desde entonces ha publicado más de un millar de ejemplares. Editorial Viewer Books, besides being a publisher, tiene en la misma sede una librería física de más de 150 m2 donde vende no solo libros de poesía, but all kinds of works. Submission of manuscripts Editorial Visor The publisher's website does not offer information on how to publish in Editorial Visor, so it is possible that if you send them a manuscript directly they will reject it. Nevertheless, don't be discouraged, since Ed Visor participates annually in various literary awards and publishes the winning works, so you can try your luck with them. Click here to see the literary contests in which Visor Libros Editorial participates. further, We are going to provide you with some contact information for Visor Editorial so that you can contact them if you need to request information or anything else. Location: Editorial Viewer Books Calle de Isaac Peral, 18 28015 Madrid (SPAIN) Teléfono Editorial Visor: 915 43 61 34 Email: Official website of editorial Visor Literary contests organized by Visor editorial: If you want to publish with Editorial Visor, you can try your luck by sending your work to some of the literary contests in which it participates, since the prize entails the publication of the work with Visor Ediciones. Estos son algunos de los concursos en los que la editorial ha participado o participa. Premio Fray Luís de León de poesía Premio Casa de América de Poesía Americana Premio Internacional de poesía fundación LOEWE Premio poesía Generación del 27 Premio Internacional de poesía Hermanos Argensola Premio de poesía Ciudad de Burgos Premio Internacional de poesía Ciudad de Melilla Premio Jaime Gil de Biedma